Alcohol And Drug Policy and Prevention The North Coast College maintains a drug and alcohol-free environment for employees and students. The health and safety of the individuals on our campus is paramount to the educational success we strive to achieve. As such, college policy prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance on college premises. Alcoholic beverages cannot be brought into or consumed on college property, except in connection with authorized college events. COLLEGE PREMISES ARE DEFINED AS: 1. Main Building: 11724 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood, OH;2. Any off-site location while in use for a college-related function. Procedures for College and Student Events When attending college or student-related events, students must keep in mind that the possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs and the use of alcohol in an unlawful manner will result in suspension and or expulsion from The North Coast College and may result in arrest. Any individual who exhibits signs of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted to enter an event and potentially banned from any events for the remainder of the quarter. Any Individual who is not aThe North Coast College student and attempts to bring in alcohol or drugs to a college event will be permanently banned from all further college-related events. Any person who is already banned and attempts to enter an event would be considered trespassing and subject to arrest. The names of said individuals will be documented and held on file in the office of the Director of Student Affairs. PENALTIES For the health, safety and overall well being of the college, The North Coast College must uphold the law pertaining to drug and alcohol abuse and likewise provide assistance to students when needed. If it has been found that a student has violated The North Coast College Drug and Alcohol Policy, a written complaint should be filed with the Director of Student Affairs who will follow the judicial procedures outlined within this publication. There are various factors that will be considered regarding disciplinary sanctions for students who violate The North Coast College Alcohol and Drug Policy. These factors include if a student has violated The North Coast College standards in the past, the effect of the student’s actions on the college, the severity of the violation, and the general intent of the student. Potential sanctions for violations can include the following but not limited to, written warning, appropriate college-community service, mandatory drug and alcohol education or other action the college believes suitable. Offenses that are deemed dangerous, violent or of repeated nature, will carry the sanctions of suspension and or expulsion. Any individual found to be selling or distributing illegal drugs on the college premises may be reported to the proper legal authorities and be placed on suspension or dismissed indefinitely from The North Coast College. Tuition and all fees are non-refundable in the event of suspension or expulsion. Penalties for non-compliance with The North Coast College Drug and Alcohol Policy are described for employees on the “Drug-Free Workplace Statement Notice to Employees,” which is distributed at the time of hire and annually, thereafter. Additional information pertaining to substance abuse is provided to students and employees on an annual basis and is done so electronically. This additional information, which is provided electronically, includes: A description of applicable legal sanctions under state, local and federal law; A description of health risks; and A description of available counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs. Print copies of the above-referenced information are also available to employees and students and can be picked up in the office of the Director or Student Affairs. DRUG & ALCOHOL RESOURCES: Substance Abuse Helpline Lakewood, Ohio 216-939-114 Recovery Resources 3950 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216-431-4131